Grain-Free Baking Powder

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Citizen Cake, "She was disappointed by grain-filled baked goods, so she built some of her own"

I have been doing very little baking or blog-worthy cooking recently. My stomach still hasn't recovered from the holidays when I was eating gluten-free baked goods made of gluten-free grains. I have been living off of Earl Grey Au Laits, vegetables, soups and Grain-Free White Bread as my stomach gradually begins to feel better again. I was and am surprised at how not good I feel when I eat gluten-free grains and really recommend that anyone who has lingering stomach problems try reducing or eliminating grains for a while and see how they feel.

However, a lot of "grain-free" baking isn't technically grain free because of the use of baking powder which often has a tiny amount of cornstarch in it. Therefore, I have been very happy to find a recipe for Grain-Free Baking Powder at The Spunky Coconut. I hope to devise a grain-free, vegan cupcake recipe for my friends annual Mardi Gras party that is quickly approaching and may try to tweak the recipe to use arrowroot powder which has a similar starch content to potato flour.

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