Labor Day Thoughts . . .

Sunday, September 5, 2010

I have been traveling a lot and have had little time to cook. My laptop and more specifically my Adobe design software has assumed the role formerly held by my vita-mix and immersion blender as a frequent companion on planes, trains and busses. My hobby of making quotes into "word art" has been a great distraction on uncomfortable long flights and when I have down time in a foreign place. Since I haven't posted a recipe for a while, I thought that I would share one of my posters instead. I'm assuming that there may be some other readers like me who think that your living room wall is a great spot for a gentle warning about the "Military Industrial Complex."

Here, I used one of my all time favorite quotes, from President Dwight Eisenhower that is even more relevant now, over a half-century later. The font is a nod to both a bygone era and the classic eye exam charts.

I found this quote particularly relevant for Labor Day as those of us in America consider how much of our labor goes towards war— both through a good percentage of our tax dollars making their way to private defense contractors which in turn employ a fair amount of Americans. Like many others, I fantasize about what we could accomplish if all of this intellect, capital and labor could be put towards public transportation, education, clean energy and a host of other societal problems/ opportunities.

Have a relaxing and restful Labor Day!

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