Elegant Truffle Wrappers

Monday, December 14, 2009

Requires no decoration—I find tinsel distracting!
~Frank Costanza, The Festivus Episode

We all judge books by their covers. And is there a problem with wanting your life to be beautiful? I think not. Part of the experience of food is visual.

While these truffles may be simple, there's no reason that they don't deserve to be dressed up for the holidays. Wrapping these truffles individually not only keeps them in tact for transporting and boxing for gifts, but makes each bite an experience. You are encouraging your recipients to spend some time on your elegant little work of art that you sculpted and decorated— not just mindlessly pop it into their mouths.

Match the ribbons and outside paper to your aesthetic preferences. Try aluminum foil for the modernist, interesting sections of the newspaper for your favorite news junkie or brown unbleached wax paper and twine for your favorite earthy friend. If you do use a decorative outer wrapping, line it with wax paper which is food safe and gluten-free. I recycle tissue paper from gifts and boutiques for the outer-wrapping of the truffle.

Truffle Wrappers

Wax Paper
Tissue Paper (optional)

1. Cut wax paper into squares.
2. Lay truffle in the middle of wax paper squares.
3. Bring the opposite corners of the wax paper to meet.
4. Repeat process over wax paper covered truffle with other decorative paper if desired.
5. Tie ribbon around into bow or knot to keep paper in place.

Coming up Next:

Monogrammed Apricots and Origami boutique candy gift boxes with recycled materials.

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