Who are the 34.4%? They are the percentage of American adults that are overweight. Food that is bad for everyone has increasingly dominated the holidays and America's food landscape as corporate interests have become further entrenched in politics. The more conservative America has become, the fatter it has gotten. And, yes, it is lining the pockets of the top .0001% who profit from and encourage food policy that has Americans poisoning themselves with food.
And the House Republicans were in rare form once again, with the help of the Frozen Food Institute and other corporate food interests
blocking Obama administration standards to improve school lunches, allowing tomato paste on pizza to be considered a vegetable, and ensuring that the 34.4% will likely become the 99% for future generations.
You can take a stand—without camping out in the kitchen. These quick and easy truffles are made of fresh, healthy ingredients. The high protein, fiber, and low sugar content will ensure that you are satisfied with one or two— and that you don't contribute to you or your holiday comrades joining or expanding the 34.4%.
1/4 tsp. sea salt
4 Tbs. Coconut Oil melted + 3 Tbs Apple Sauce
1 Tbsp vanilla
1/3 C. dates, soaked and pitted
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. cardamom
Chunks of 72% cacao chocolate bar
6 oz. 72% cacao chocolate
1. Purée vanilla, dates, applesauce, and oil in blender or food processor.
2. Mix pureé with remaining ingredients except for 6 oz. chocolate.
2. Refrigerate mixture for 15 minutes.
3. Roll mixture into small balls.
4. Refrigerate cookie dough balls for another 15 minutes.
5. Finely chop 6 oz chocolate.
6. Melt in small saucepan on low stirring constantly.
7. Working quickly, with a toothpick or spoon dunk cookie dough balls into chocolate.
8. Place on plate or cookie sheet lined with a
Silpat Mat (preferred).
9. Refrigerate truffles until hardened.
*NOTE: you want batter to be stiff enough to easily form into small balls. Depending on the humidity you may need more or less coconut flour or none at all. Start with almond meal and add coconut flour (or even more almond meal if you don't have coconut flour) as necessary to form into a formable dough.

Other Economical Commentary:
Almond Flour: I use Trader Joe's almond flour ($3.98/lb) since it is the most cost effective. You can also grind whole almonds if you have a vita mix dry container to make almond flour. Blanched almond flour should also work and is generally more absorbant (you probably wouldn't need the coconut flour at all) but is generally much more expensive and not available at Trader Joes!
72% Cacao Chocolate: I also use the Trader Joe's 72% cacao chocolate. It does warn that it is made in a facility and with equipment that processes wheat. However, from what I have read, Trader Joe's does follow a cleansing procedure on equipment between processing ingredients with common allergens. I have never had a problem with Trader Joe's chocolate, but some Celiac's are more sensitive than others. Use your own judgement and comfort level.